

2020 – 2021

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Offices and Garages Alto Trevigiano Services – Hydraulic Project

As part of the executive project for the expansion of the ATS logistics hub, a hydraulic compatibility study was conducted in compliance with the current regulations in terms of hydraulic invariance of the Veneto Region and the Municipality of Montebelluna. The lot subject to expansion has an area of about 18,000 sq. m., of which about 800 is occupied by a garage and the remainder is intended for parking, roadways and material storage. Given the geological nature of the site, stormwater disposal has been sized to be infiltrated into the ground through the presence of leaking wells and an open earthen reservoir with a volume of about 300 cubic meters. All the first rain volume of the waterproofed external surface is treated with de-oiling process before being infiltrated into the subsoil.

Complementary Works in A14 Rimini-Riccione –Hydraulic Project

As part of the framework agreement with Heratech, a project was developed including various interventions related to the resolution of interference of sub-services in the complementary works to the A14 Rimini – Riccione – Misano adriatico – Coriano. The new routes of sub-services such as aqueduct and sewer were designed with particular attention to interference with future works and with other sub-services both existing and planned. For the aqueduct area, microtunnelling technology was also used for the installation of a new pipeline under a busy road.


Detailed Desing