L.S.G.I. Italia S.r.l.

Roma (IT)


Building surface:
50.000 sqm

Works amount:
€ 600.000


The subject of the analysis is the Euroma2 shopping centre located in Viale dell’Oceano Pacifico 83 in Rome. The analysis started with the retrieval of all the energy bills and consumption data of the various cost centres. An accurate campaign of electrical, lighting and thermal parameter measurements was then carried out on the site in order to properly evaluate the proposed solutions in relation also to the operating parameters to be guaranteed.

The diagnosis activity led to the identification of the following efficiency enhancement measures:

  • Installation of voltage regulators on parking and tunnel systems, including the installation of an external twilight sensor;
  • Night switch-off of emergency lighting in closed parking areas;
  • Replacement of high-pressure sodium lamps with LED lamps in outdoor areas;
  •  Replacement of fluorescent/gas discharge lamps with LED lamps in interior areas;installazione di un sistema di raffreddamento adiabatico sui recuperatori di calore;
  • optimisation of daytime free-cooling of AHUs;
  • realisation of summer night free-cooling by opening the existing EFC domes (to be verified according to their degree of closure);
  • Efficient operation of cold/hot circulation pumps;
  • inverter installation on CTAs;
  • Installation of a heat recovery unit equipped with an adiabatic cooling system on the air handling unit in the food court area.


Energy Audit